DSA problems practice notes
Array based
Given an array of integers find the subarrays with sum K
Refer https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/find-subarray-with-given-sum-in-array-of-integers/ or https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/number-subarrays-sum-exactly-equal-k/ they are about the same problem.
Brute force
Generate all the subarrays, calculate sum and check. N-choose-2 possibile subarrays will be there.
Better approach
While traversing the array, track the current sum, store the sum of array ending at each index in a hash map (sum and index mapping). Check if the K-currsum exists in the hashmap.
Number of substrings having an equal number of lowercase and uppercase letters
Refer Number of substrings having an equal number of lowercase and uppercase letters It can be reduced to the above subarrays with sum K, where K=0 and each upper case letter is considered 1 and lower case letter is considered -1. Reference: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/number-of-substrings-having-an-equal-number-of-lowercase-and-uppercase-letters/
Fast and slow pointers
- Classify the number in an array: Move all the odd numbers to beginnig of the array/linked list
- Remove zeros from the array/linked list
- Remove duplicate numbers from the array/lined list
- Move Zeros to the end
- Check if loop exists in the given linked list
Two pointers
- Given an array of integers find two elements who sum is K. (2-sum or 3-sum problem)
- Greatest difference between two elements, such that the larger element appears after the smaller element
- The intuitive solution can be, while traversing the array, keep track of the minimum element so far, find the difference between minimum element sofar and current element, if the difference is greater than the difference seen sofar, update it. Refer Apple online assessment
Dynamic Programming
Important points: Break down the problem, write a recurrence that solves the problem. There are two approaches:
- Memoization/top-down
- Bottom-up/tabulation Start from the smallest subproblems, solve them, save their solutions for reference. Each problem depends on the solution of smaller problems that are already solved. In this approach, we might solve the subproblems which may not be used later.
- Fibonacci numbers problem by basecs
- 0/1 Knapsack problem solution by striver
- Deletion Distance
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/largest-sum-contiguous-subarray/
- The size of the longest incresing subsequence in an array
- The link attached has intuitive solution.
Problems to practice
- Classify elements in the array. Given an array classify the numbers as even, odd. Put all even numbers to the start of the array and odd numbers to the end. EPI arrays
- Find sum of most K recent numbers of a stream Given a stream and when asked about most recent numbers, circular queue can be used know the implementation. Like moving sum or average etc
- Range sum problem Given a array of numbers, implement some queries. Like rank of a given number, least number greater than some K, or greatest number less than K etc. Sort the array and do some preprocessing that will same somtime. This is on a static array, if that is a stream then we need to use someother approaches.
- Quick sort and merge sort code. Review once and write. How the merge step and pivot selection and placing it in right spot helps.
- H-Index problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/h-index/description/
- LRU cache implementation - ADT
- Common implementation is using HashMap to store key-value pair for easy mapping and a doubly linked list of keys to maintain the “least recent used” order so that eviction is easy.
- We can also use signly linked list in place of doubly linked list, but implementaion will be not that intuitive as above
- LFU cache implementation - ADT
- Application of Ordered Set and its implementation. Python has OrderedDict,deque. Differences and their benefits.
- Find immediante next greater element for each element in an array: Example of using stack datastructure
- Problems from https://github.com/Chanda-Abdul/Several-Coding-Patterns-for-Solving-Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-Problems-during-Interviews
- all sections atleast 2 questions or 2 model of questions
Queries on a stream of data
- Find running median from a stream of integers. Leetcode
- Sum of most recent K numbers of a stream of integers TODO.
- Median of most reent K number os a stream of integers TODO.
- Hit Counter that counts the number of hits within recent time
Previous questions and learnings
Attempt 1
- Given a set of cartesian points, generate the bounding box that includes all the points.
- Given two strings, and we can cut the strings at same position. After cut we take the left half of the first string and right part of the second string and join them to form a new string. How many of those new strings are plindromes - https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/109662/divide-two-strings-to-form-palindrome
- Given a string with limited number of characters repeating. Find the number of substrings where the count of all allowed characters is same in the substring.
- General json validation: string processing. Should have covered all of the edge cases. And validated the approached up front. So that I was confident while coding.
- Given start binary pattern and destination binary pattern, see if we can reach from start pattern to end, in each step only one bit can be flipped. Also given a set of safe states through which you should be traversing. Moving to a non-safe pattern in invalid. https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-experience/515564/google-l3-hyderabad-feb-2020-rejected lock round 5
- Given a dictionary of words, suggest the user words based first few characters typed, like the functionality in mobile phone typing scenario.
Attempt 2
- A robot is emitting stream of messages, the format of the messages is: MSG TIMESTAMP. Our goal is to only log the events that are not repeated within K(for ex:10) units of time.
Robot is emitting messages - time - message.
- Solution: A simple hashing solution where, we store the message and its last seen timestamp in hash map, next time if the same message is seen, we will check the diff of timestamps. If it is less than K(for ex:10) then we show it.
- Searialize standard python objects into JSON.
- Seemed simple but they were looking at the way I’m handling the edge cases. Need to finish fast so that we could do a followup. Follow up question was how to solve if the objects are recursive.
- Bigram model
- The question was easy, I was supposed to finish this quickly so that a little difficult followup could be asked.
- Also, during interview I wanted to get the pair with maximum value, from hashmap quickly, but I couldn’t get effective one other than O(n). Check the above code I wrote, I could have use collections.Counter in place of dict and may be could have use most_common method, but time complexity wise no better than linear. Because most_common takes lower bounds of sorting amount of time, i.e, O(nlogn) when argument isn’t specified. And, they used heap data structure when argument is specificed, this is like creating heap and performing n pops.
- Learning: Be confident, no self-doubt.
- We wanted a sorted set kind of thing.
- Hacker rank test questions
- Q1 seems similar to House Robber Leetcode GFG check and do the problem. House robber problem is disguised as maximum sum of non adjacent elements.
- Hacker rank test questions